Michael Bayard Videos 2

Michael Bayard: 30 Seconds of Fire with Dance and Percussion

Michael Bayard: Rhythm Magic with Autistic 9 Year Old Talented

Michael Bayard: “The Kitchen Concerto” – Trailer

Jazz on Fire: Immolation, Sacrifice and Dance of Ecstasy

Michael Bayard and Carol Schenken: Metal “Thunder” Sheet Rhythm Jam

Michael Bayard: Ground-Breaking Ritual Ceremony for “River Tribe” Retreat Center

Michael Bayard: Two-Dimensional Keyboard and Skyrockets

Michael Bayard Demonstrates the Legendary “Shark” Vacuum Cleaner

Michael Bayard: Crazy Xylophone Duo with Percussionist Carol Schenken

Michael Bayard: Daunting Percussion Improvisation on Wine Decanters